Disable Notifications for Tests

Prevent notifications being sent for FormTester 365 test submissions

How to Disable Notifications for Tests

When a form is tested, everything should work as normal, including notifications through Gravity Forms. We realize there may be situations where the Gravity Forms notification for the tests is not desired. 

The FormTester 365 Wordpress plugin cannot intercept outgoing notifications, however Gravity Forms does have a built in conditional logic for their notifications: https://docs.gravityforms.com/enable-conditional-logic-for-notifications/

Go to the Notifications settings page of the form to enable conditional logic, then determine the criteria for sending the notification.

To disable notifications for FormTester 365 tests, set conditional logic to IS NOT for any of the following inputs:

The above text inputs are consistent and provide a simple way to prevent unwanted notifications.

Note: if you have customized your Test Data, then you will need to set the above settings to your customized test data.

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